Notebird Blog

A few notes on pastoral care.

A pastor and a congregant sitting in a pew, smiling and talking.
The 4 Types of People to Check In With on a Regular Basis

Check in with these key members of your church to help you expand your reach, get more connected and deepen the level of care you provide for the whole congregation.

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Caring for Pastors at the District Level

For many denominations, district offices make all the difference in the long term success of their pastors. Check out the ways these offices provide care for the leaders they serve.

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How Students Fall Through the Cracks Every Time a Youth Pastor Leaves

When a youth pastor leaves, students feel the effects of that change. In this blog, we discuss how a thoughtful exit can make all the difference.

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Volunteer Retention: How Pastoral Care Teams Are Quietly Losing Some of Their Best Assets

Pastoral care volunteers can be a huge asset to care teams, but this group is often plagued by high turnover – we explore the reasons they leave.

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A messy desk full of papers and sticky notes.
When I Realized I Needed Help

I was searching for the best way to care for my people – what I found surprised me.

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Our Favorite Tools to Help Pastoral Care Teams Succeed in 2024
Our Favorite Tools to Help Pastors and Care Teams Succeed in 2024

We are always looking out for other great church tech – we put together a list of tools we think stand out in their respective categories and make the work of churches and care teams easier and better than ever.

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Pastoral Care Tracking: Empowering Your Low-tech Volunteers

In this article we propose a thoughtful new approach to accounting for volunteer tech literacy differences.

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3 Ways To Communicate You Care Without Being There In Person

While they can't be there for every event and milestone, care teams have other ways to help congregants feel their presence in the moments that matter.

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Building a Pastoral Care Team from the Ground Up

Pastoral care often requires the work of not just the pastor, but a whole team of caring individuals – read on to find out how good ones get their start.

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4 Pastoral Care Follow-ups You Should Steal

Touch points are so important – read on to discover new ways to connect with your people.

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This is the Pastoral Care App You've Been Searching For

The search is over – Notebird is the pastoral care tool your team has been waiting for.

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5 Hilarious Pastoral Care GIFs 😂

We know some days are a struggle – but these 5 Pastoral Care GIFs will bring a knowing smile to your face.

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How to Leave a Pastoral Care Visitation

You do highly valuable work in your pastoral care visits – but is the way you conclude those visits undermining your efforts?

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4 Pastoral Care Questions to Ask Your Team as a New Pastor

Getting pastoral care efforts off the ground at a new church is a huge undertaking - this article discusses how to plug into your new care team and streamline the process.

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2 Things You Should Never Do to the Pastor Coming Behind You

This article meditates on the legacy pastors leave behind – and the impact it has on the pastors who follow them.

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Man frustrated with computer spreadsheet
This is the Most Popular Pastoral Care Tool and it's Not Working

Spreadsheets are for numbers, not people.

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Overgrown view of church front door
Why Not Having Care History is Devastating to Pastoral Care

Care histories supply the needed context for providing compassionate care - not building them can mean care efforts miss the mark.

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Woman frustrated working on calendar
3 Reasons Your Calendar Isn't the Best Place to Store Important Pastoral Care Events

Calendars remind you of upcoming events, but lack the depth and context to inform impactful pastoral care.

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10 Timeless Hospital Visit Principles

In hospitals, emotions range from joy to grief. Pastors must approach visits with openness and understanding. Explore 10 guiding principles for effective and meaningful pastoral hospital care.

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Caring for Limited Access Members in Your Church

Enhancing the church experience for "limited access" members goes beyond calls and visits. Discover ways to deepen their sense of belonging and community connection.

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